miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2018

Week 22: March 19th & 21st- To get/have something done

- We exchanged our sentences revising too/enough and so/such.
- We revised the structure have/get something done in 7B and practised it with a spoken activity.
- We sang Remember Me, the song from Coco's soundtrack that won this year's Oscar.
- We saw the vocabulary on film and TV on page 160.
- We saw the sounds and spelling of letter o.
- We compared formal and informal structures in writings.
- We did a reading/grammar test. You can do it at home if you missed the class.
- We did a speaking find-the-difference activity.
- As a homage to the great scientist Stephen Hawking we saw a video of The Big Bang Theory in which Sheldon meets Stephen Hawking.
Holiday time!!
- Ex. 1 page 92.
- Ex. 4 page 94.
- Writing ex. 4 page 89.

You can also have a look at:
- Empower Upper Intermediate Vocabulary List.
- Reading to practise predicting information in a text.
Key to Reading Plus 1.
- Reading to practise inferring.
Key to Reading Plus 2.
- Reading to practise predicting the content of a text.
Key to Reading Plus 3


Exercise 1: 1D, 2A, 3B, 4A, 5D, 6B, 7C, 8A, 9C, 10B
Exercise 2: 11 had/ (also: actually and really), 12 used/needed (also: had and got), 13 whether/ if (also: why), 14 have (also: can), 15. might/ may/ will
Exercise 3: 16D, 17A, 18B, 19B, 20D
Exercise 4: 21 Seb Prior, 22 Justin Stubbs, 23 Wendy Burrows, 24 Justin Stubbs, 25 Seb Prior, 26 Naomi Killingsworth, 27 Seb Prior, 28 Anna Lindley, 29 Anna Lindley, 30 Justin Stubbs.

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