viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016

Week 20: March 14th & 16th- Arriving to Easter holidays
- We practised words with double meaning.
- We listened to some specialists talking about advertising campaigns.
- We revised the mock exam.
- We did a speaking exercise practising interactive phrases.

- Reading and writing portfolio 5.
- Imagine a story with this background sound.

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016

Advertising: virtual wall

yellow pages/youtube

Week 19: March 7th & 11th- Going on with unit 6 and some results from the mid-year test
- We talked about the theatre play we had seen the previous week.
- We talked about a joke or a cartoon we liked and exchanged them in small groups.
- We went on practising how to show interest with pronunciation.
- We saw vocabulary with different meanings.
- We talked about strange behaviour and did the reading at the beginning of 6B on advertising.
- We presented a commercial or ad we liked very much.
- We saw the position of different types of adverbials in the sentences.
- We corrected the reading exercises from the test and went through the most interesting feedback from the oral test.
- Complete the virtual wall in the entry above with the ad you chose.

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016

Week 18: February 29th March 2nd: Acting and theatre!
- We resumed classes and warmed up with the game Strangers on a train.
- We started unit 6 and had a look at the readings on different kinds of research and had a look at formal and less formal ways of comparing.
- We did exercises on a listening on some bizarre behaviour.
- We corrected a mixed-up sentences exercise on The Final Answer.
- We talked about our favourite actors and films.
- We did a listening on acting.
- We played a game in which we acted as thieves or police officers.
- We solved a Quotation Speed Game.
- We completed a gap exercise on Writing's on the Wall, this year's Oscar winning song by Sam Smith (from Spectre)
-Ex. 5 page 58, exs. 1 and 2 page 60.
- And the old homework of the information of the people you consider successful, the ad and the joke or cartoon.