viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

Week 23: 23rd & 25th March - Our Seconds of Beauty

by Mar del Castillo
- This week we practised more uses of modal verbs in units 12B and 12C.
- We learnt  and practised idioms.
- We practised making deductions.
- We practised criticism and regrets.
- We saw our beautiful videos (see last entry)
- We did and corrected a listening exercise from 2013.
- We wrote about the second book we had read, corrected our partners' writings and exchange comments on our books.

Homework: - Writing a report as explained in Portfolio 8 in the Workbook.
- Doing the exercises of parts 5E & 7E in the handbook.
- Doing some research about one strange event (ex.7 page 101) happened in Spain to be exchanged in the warming-up in the first class after the break.

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015

Our Seconds of Beauty

Congratulations on your beautiful videos!!

        Thank you to all of you who sent me your beautiful seconds to put together. I hope you like it!

               This is another version with videos and photos all together.

Here we have another video with the late arrivals. It's got another soundtrack, thanks Daniel!

We also have the second version by Magisto

Week 22: 16th & 18th March - Madrid guided tour

Our tour in Gran Vía at dusk
- We went on our guided tour to Madrid on Monday.
- We exchanged photos, adjectives and multiple choice and T/F exercises on it.
- We practised how to make deductions in the past with the activity Why would a person do this?
- We practised the design and delivery of presentations on specific subjects.

Homework: excs. 2 and 3 in both pages 98 and 100

domingo, 15 de marzo de 2015

Week 21: 9th & 11th March- Activity on Beauty and modals

Beauty partch video, commissioned by Dove
- We practised modal verbs in speaking.
- We dictated adjectives and their abstract nouns.
- We practised possibilities with the video Beauty Patch. We read and discussed the comments on the video in Youtube.
- We started 12A: Where's my mobile.
- We saw coloquial vocabulary and did a listening comprehension.
- We practised deductions in the present and the past.
- We prepared next Monday's guided tour with the handout.

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2015

Week 20: 2nd & 4th March - Finishing unit 6
- We revised and practised modal verbs and structures to express different levels of certainty about the future in 6B: Rebel.
- We saw feedback about written and oral productions in the february exam.
- We saw different ways to interrupt with different levels of politeness in 6D: Sorry to interrupt!
- We practised polite intonation.
- We practised stress in compound adjectives.

- Exs.2 and 3 page 98.
- Beautiful seconds in a five-second video (see week 18)

domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015

Week 19: 23rd & 25th February - Exam results
- We practised reduced infinitives to avoid repetition.
- We did 6A: Codes of conduct and practised the uses of the -ing.
- We corrected the reading and grammar and listening of the mock exam in February. This is the key.
- We gave feedback of the written composition.
- We did 6C: Dress Code and practised back referencing.
- We did a gapped exercise on Fix you by Coldplay (the use of will)

Homework: reading plus multiple choice questions in a photocopy.
Portfolio 1 plus from the handbook (page 22), about 80 words.

Extra exercises on used to and relatives with Perfect English Grammar
More grammar exercises in Grammar 4you, Learn English TodayEnglish Grammar 4 you.