miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2017

Week 16: February 6th & 8th- The Ice Hotel

- We reviewed about our favourite type of accommodation.
- We saw a video on an Ice Hotel in Sweden and did a listening exercise.
- We practised the preparation and delivery of a presentation on a trip we had done.
- We practised modifiers and their intonation.
- We saw how to show surprise and transmit an opinion by using negative questions.
- We talked about the emails by Ben and some vocabulary related to them.
- We did a listening exercise on acculturation, page 57.
- We also heard about accomodation problems and practise the structure Have/get something done.

- Revise for next week (workbook very useful, for instance)
- Do review page 59.
During week 18 (February 20th & 22nd) try to do the following:
- Exercise 13 page 55
- Readings pages 65 and 187
- Exercise 1 page 62
- Have a look at Jeffrey Hill's blog to see what's up in the international political scene.
- Read whatever you prefer on NASA's website on Climate change and Global warming to warm up on the very first day after the exam break.
Remember to give me a call to the school if you can't make it!

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