martes, 21 de febrero de 2017

Weeks 17 & 18: February 13th, 15th, 20th &22nd- Mid-year tests

Tests are taking place during these two weeks.
Grammar, vocabulary, reading and listening tests were on Feb. 13th, Writing was on Feb.15th and Feb. 20th and 22nd are devoted to oral tests. 
Also check the homework for Feb. 27th in the previous entry

miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2017

Week 16: February 6th & 8th- The Ice Hotel

- We reviewed about our favourite type of accommodation.
- We saw a video on an Ice Hotel in Sweden and did a listening exercise.
- We practised the preparation and delivery of a presentation on a trip we had done.
- We practised modifiers and their intonation.
- We saw how to show surprise and transmit an opinion by using negative questions.
- We talked about the emails by Ben and some vocabulary related to them.
- We did a listening exercise on acculturation, page 57.
- We also heard about accomodation problems and practise the structure Have/get something done.

- Revise for next week (workbook very useful, for instance)
- Do review page 59.
During week 18 (February 20th & 22nd) try to do the following:
- Exercise 13 page 55
- Readings pages 65 and 187
- Exercise 1 page 62
- Have a look at Jeffrey Hill's blog to see what's up in the international political scene.
- Read whatever you prefer on NASA's website on Climate change and Global warming to warm up on the very first day after the exam break.
Remember to give me a call to the school if you can't make it!

jueves, 2 de febrero de 2017

Week 15: January 30th & February 1st- Accommodation
- We talked about what we remembered on the books we had read.
- We did Time Out from unit 5 with vocabulary on sports and free time activities.
- We did the Community Centre speaking activity (worker and difficult person)
- We revised Time Out vocabulary and started unit 6 Accommodation.
- We practised Modifiers.
- We revised modal verbs in the past with the cards of incredible news.
- We saw pages 152-153 and we are going to write a letter of complaint.
- Exercise 2 of modifiers page 173
- Exercise 8 page 53
- Reading the e-mails of pages 56 and 57 and page 185