- We corrected exercise 7 on page 35 to revise cause and result sentences.
- We saw a few structures on how to show understanding in conversations and we practised them with a speaking activity which was also meant to revise present and past habitual actions.
- We did a short test on grammar, vocabulary and reading.
- We practised verb tenses by answering scrambled questions.
- We saw Serial taxi and wrote an account of it for Gema to correct.
- We exchanged information about our newspapers.
- We sang We Three Kings for the last time and wished the English Department luck in tomorrow's competition!!
Homework: - Read a bit of the newspaper you got to be able to say something about it the next day.
Homework for Christmas:
- Find a positive item of news to tell the class.
- Take photos of the holidays to show your classmates on the first day after holidays.
- Do the writing on page 20 in the workbook