miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017

Week 23: March 25th & 27th- Who wants to be a millionaire and building a time machine!

- We discussed opinions about prisons.
- We did a listening on another type of prisons.
- We saw prepositional phrases and practised them a bit.
- We did the dictation of Review nº 4.
- We started unit 9: Careers and studying. We saw a bit of vocabulary and a listening in The World of Work.
- We revised prepositional phrases giving opinions about sentences.
- We revised the content we had seen with Who wants to be a millionaire?
- We revised all types of conditional sentences.
- We built a time machine and wrote instructions for another team to do the same.
- Exercises 1 and 2 of the conditional handout.
- Page 83 from the book, exercises 4, 5 and 6.
- Photo description.
- Caption translation.

lunes, 27 de marzo de 2017

We are delighted to invite you to the opening of the exhibition "Sirios, el largo viaje a Europa"

We are happy to invite you to the opening of the photo exhibition Sirios, el largo viaje a Europa, which will be displayed in our school from March 27th to April 3rd.
Come to join us Monday March 27th at 18.30 at the Assembly room, basement floor.

jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017

Week 22: March 22nd- On Sherlock and Alex

- We revised what we had done last Wednesday.
- We listened to a story on Sherlock Holmes and identified fifteen mistakes in it.
- We corrected the homework on modals.
- We did the vocabulary and a listening on page 72.
- We got to know a person from Leicester a bit better.
- We corrected exercise 4 on the reading on page 74.

- Exercises 11 and 12 page 72.

miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2017

Week 21: March 13th & 15th— Let's go to the theatre!

- We warmed up with images from Lifted and described them while talking about the part of the film they belonged to.
- We went on with unit 8 and did pages 70 and 71, with a revision of modal verbs to make deductions.
- We received feedback from the February test written and oral productions.
- We had a special Sherlock Holmes class with a video with comprehension and grammar tasks, a speaking deduction crime solving card game and a very mysterious song!
- Ex. 2 page 175 on modals, ex. 12 page 71 and ex. 4 page 74

martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

Week 20: March 6th & 8th- Extraterrestrial and terrestrial forms of life

- We started warming up with the description of opinions about trends with structures in ex.9 page 64.
- We practised present participles with the activity Encounters of a Spooky Kind (dictation)
- We saw a video on Chimps and tried to answer some questions about it.
- We did pages 66 and 67 and worked with different meanings of words.
- We answered the questions on Lifted's worksheet.
- We practised how to give explanations about strange behaviour with cards.
- We revised the grammar, vocabulary, reading and listening parts of the February test.
- For ideas about structures to use in formal and informal emails please have a look at this webpage.
- For ideas about punctuation, check the link.
- We started unit 8 Crime and Punishment and did exercises 1 and 2 on page 70.


- Read about a piece of news related to animals to open the class in a pair work activity on Wednesday.
- Think about coming to the theatre on March 15th, Wed, 19.30 at José María Rodero Theatre in Torrejón.
- Exercise 4 page 74.

miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2017

Week 19: 27th & 29th February 2017- Resuming lessons

- We exchanged information about what we had read on NASA's website.
- We saw and answered some questions on Why does NASA study Earth?
- We started unit 7 Nature and we worked on vocabulary and a listening on weather and extreme weather, pages  62 and 63.
- We revised and practised narrative tenses.
- We prepared and had a conversation on extreme weather. You can have these structures in mind, they are taken from the first six units of the book.
- We talked about our favourite idioms from exercise 13 on page 55.
- We corrected ex. 11 on page 55, as revision of GET/HAVE sth DONE.
- We read about animals making headlines on pages 65 and 187 and did exercises 2 and 5, page 64.
- We practised narratives tenses with cards with stories in note form.
- We saw how present and past participles work.
- We talked about the other side of NASA's activities: the possibility of extraterrestrial life. We saw a video that confirms its existance!

Ex. 11 & 13 page 55
Ex. 9 page 64, pick two or three trends to explain at the beginning of the class.

VOCABULARY SHEETS from Outcomes Upper Intermediate: