miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015

Ideas for your teacher's leave


The following are ideas for you to do on your own because it seems you are not having a substitute teacher for the length of my leave.

For Wednesday 18th November I would like you to have written (and read all the rest) an entry in the Halloween padlet and the competition entry for  Reading and Writing Portfolio 2 of the Workbook (after having completed the exercises before it.). We'll also be asking each other the questions you prepare on Kim Peek's video and reading the paragraph to guess the place you're recommending.
See you then! Take care.

DAY 1: reading, listening and writing
  • Here you have the KEY for the Student's Book Extra Practice 1, if you want to revise.
  • Reading page 16: A Genius Explains. Practise reading comprehension. Ex. 1c
  • Watch Kim Peek: The Real Rain Man. Watch the first six minutes and devise 5 questions to ask your partner.
  • Do exercises 2 and 3 on page 13. You don't have to do the writing it suggests.
  • Write an entry on the Halloween padlet.
  • If you are very fed up try any part of this example exam of Advanced 2.
DAY 2: listening, speaking and reading
  • Warm up your English; Go to Talk English.com and practise with a couple of the interactive lessons. Ex: Greeting Interactive Practice. Listen to Listen All and then choose Person A or B and say aloud the other part. The best practice would be to record yourself, listen to your recording and compare to the original.
  • Read the competition entries in Reading and Writing Portfolio 2 page 57. Read about how to use a monolingual diactionary on page 58. Practise register on page 59. Take notes on the competition entry you are writing.
  • Watch the video belonging to Unit 1 and do the exercises on page 124.
DAY 3: writing and speaking
  • Write your competition entry (ex. 9 page 59). Make it of about 180 words. Revise.
  • Read your entry again and take notes on the organisation and content. Prepare a four-minute presentation,  rehearse and record a file. Listen and find five words whose pronunciation and two aspects of the structure of the presentation you could improve.
  • If you are very fed up try any part of this example exam of Advanced 2.
DAY 4: reading, listening and writing
  • Go to Jeffrey Hill's Blog and read about the entry on October 23rd on China. What is the cartoon criticising?
  • Listen to NPR's news on the Chinese President's visit to Britain. What danger is it talking about? Listen to it several times with and without the transcription.
  • There is a reading on China on pages 24 and 25. It talks about different parts of China from a touristic point of view. Read and think about a place you know very well and make recommendations as the examples you have on page 24. Write a paragraph with them. Don't say the name of the place you're talking about: you'll be reading it to a classmate for them to guess.

Week 4: October 26th & 28th- Feedback and Halloween!

The Pink Panther, youtube
- We practised present perfect/past simple with topics we like.
- We voted the representatives of the class.
- We got familiar with emergency evacuation procedures.
- We revised cleft sentences with the extra photocopy.
- We practised pronunciation with phonemic transcriptions and spelling.
- We had a look at feedback from the different tasks we had handed in.
- We checked the difficulty of the pronunciation of the word Burguer.
Homework:Student's Book, ex.7 and 8, page 12.

Chris Jones

- It seems we have good news on level C1
- We warmed up with present perfect/past simple questions.
- We corrected page 12.
- We finished correcting the grammar test.
- Song with mysterious images and a saying:  Travis Side
- We talked about and saw a  Halloween video: The Passenger,
- We didn't see this other I find a bit creepier. It's up to you:  Alma

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

Week 3: October 19th&21st- Sayings!

- We practised time expressions with past simple and present perfect tenses.
- We listened to people explaining who they confided in.
- We saw and practised a bit of cleft sentences.
- We got familiar with some sayings in English.
- We saw an example of "If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys" in a video.
- We practised explaining and paraphrasing sayings in Spanish.
- We listened to a game of Bluff and played it ourselves.
- We did a short grammar test.
- We revised cleft sentences and the sounds of English.
Homework: Photocopy on cleft senteces.

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

Week 2: 14th October- Fake nice

- We warmed up by practising vocabulary on communication.
- We practised attitude words.
- We revised the grammar on Present perfect and Past simple and time expressions used with both of them.
- We commented on the reading Fake Nice.
- We did and corrected two listening exercises to have as a benchmark.

Homework: reading Is True Friendship a Thing of the Past?, page 11 and ex. 6c

martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

Week 1: 5th & 7th October- The beginning of the last year: Advanced 2

     Here comes the beginning of the last level we offer in the school.
     Welcome to the year, we hope you can enjoy and fulfill your learning expectations.
 During this opening week, we:
  • Presented the year, everything that has to do with the registration and organisation.
  • We had a look at the books we are using.
  • We reflected on the learning goals and possibilities we had.
  • We warmed up by speaking about last year's English classes.
  • We started Unit 1, 1A: Make a good impression.
  • We saw some vocabulary on communication.
  • We spoke about famous people and explained imaginary reasons why we were famous.
  • We did a listening on a book club and revised the uses of present perfect and past perfect.
  • We practised verb tenses with a writing on the famous person we had spoken to.
Homework: - Reading pages 8 and 9, exs. 8, 9 and 10.