domingo, 18 de mayo de 2014

Week 29: May 12th & 14th, 2014 - Apologising

This week we practised about:

  • Apologies (8D) and regrets.
  • More quantifiers.
  • Used to and get used to structures.
  • More Da da language.

Week 28: May 5th & 7th, 2014 - Big Bang Theory Week

  • We did some work about quantifiers in 10B: The youth of today.
  • We practised stress and intonation with Da da language.
  • We saw a video of Joey learning French.
  • We revised quantifiers with comparisons.
  • We saw how to talk about wishes with 8A: I'm broke.
  • We saw a short video from Big Bang Theory about Sheldon being impolite.
  • After that we wrote a short apology from Sheldon to his boss. 

Week 27: April 28th & 30th, 2014 - The artistic week

  • We saw how to speak about having something done in 10A: How practical are you?
  • We discussed about roles and genres and saw the video Ban Bossy.
  • We saw compound words in 10C: Battle of the sexes.
  • We listened to the work of three British composers to be inspired by their music and produce a work of art. They were:  Benjamin Britten, Henry Purcell and Michael Nyman.

Week 26: April 23rd & 25th, 2014 - World Book Day

  • We talked about our favourite reading on World book Day.
  • We listened to Sonnet 18 by W. Shakespeare.
  • We understood the meaning and wrote our own version, which are displayed on the class wall.
  • We did the second day of the oral exam, both monologue and dialogue.

Week 25: April 7th & 9th, 2014 - The week before Easter holidays

Momoko Kim

  • We started unit 9, 9A: The silver screen, practising the passive voice.
  • We practised speaking of present perfect simple and continuous.
  • We did the extra listening of unit 6.
  • We saw phone vocabulary.

Week 24: March 31st & April 2nd, 2014 - One day week

  • We revised reporting verbs.
  • We discussed the exhibition.
  • We revised vocabulary from the exhibition.
  • We saw a video about his work.
  • We saw more discussion language.

Week 23: March 24th & 26th, 2014 - We went to the Salgado's exhibition

antty / Flickr 

  • We finished 11C: The coffee shop.
  • We talked about President Adolfo Suárez.
  • We saw a video about his figure and importance.
  • We distributed a reading on him with the task of choosing the most important ten words of it.
  • We went to see Genesis by Sebastiao Salgado at Caixa Fórum.

Week 22: March 17th, 19th & 21st, 2014 - Saint Patrick's week

Image Source: antty
  • We revised present perfect simple and continuous.
  • We saw reported speech in 11B: Going into business.
  • We talked and saw video about Saint Patrick's day
  • We practised back referencing and reporting verbs.
  • We did the first day of the oral exam, both monologue and dialogue.

Week 21: March 10th & 12th - Resuming lessons

Gabriel Rinaldi
This week we went on with unit 7:

  • We practised how to talk about changes with present perfect simple and continuous in 7B: Showpiece of China.
  • We wrote about Long live EOI Torrejón de Ardoz.
  • We revised prefixes in 7C: Life online.

Week 20: March 3rd & 5th, 2014 - Mock exam!

This was the week of the mock exam.
Image Source: Stewie

  • On Monday we did the reading, grammar and listening parts.
  • On Wednesday we did the writing bit and the mid-course questionnaire.

Week 19: February 24th & 26th, 2014 - Starting unit 7

Photo credit: stormedclover / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution
NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0)
This week we practised:

  • How to be polite and interrumpt in 6D: Sorry to interrupt...
  • Simple and continuous aspects with state and activity verbs in 7A: At the airport.
  • We did a listening on a flight from Randall's ESL-lab.
  • We read about Shanghai and we saw the trailer of Her, shot in Shanghai.

Week 18: February 17th & 19th, 2014 - Post-Saint Valentine

Photo credit: Nomadic Lass / Foter / Creative Commons 
Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)
This week we put some emphasis on love and:

  • We practised verbs followed by -ing and to infinitive
  • We also practised how to talk about different levels of certainty with modal verbs in 6B: Rebel.
  • We talked about romantic and non-romantic ideas.
  • We practised back referencing in 6C: Dress Code
  • We revised discussion language. 
  • We saw the video How to date a twin in Video Jug.

sábado, 17 de mayo de 2014

Week 17: February 10th, 12th & 14th, 2014 - Music from the Goya Awards

Sutrisno Yang
This week we had a look at:

  • Revision of how to talk about future actions in a continuous aspect.
  • We also saw how to talk about actions finished in a point in the future in 11A: Meeting up.
  • We started 6A: Codes of conduct.
  • We did an exercise with Strawberry Fields Forever by The Beatles, as it is the song from which this year's winner of the Goya best film award took its title.
  • We did oral practice on monologues.

miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014

Week 16: February 3rd & 5th, 2014 - Comparing and talking about the future
This week we practised:

  • Guessing meaning from context in 5C: The nature of cities.
  • More discussion language in 5D: Carbon footprint.
  • Writing biographies, in file 4 from the Workbook.

Week 15: January 27th & 29th, 2014 - Telling stories

GiPereira- flickr
- We practised telling stories.
- We did a speaking quizz with relatives.
- We practised how to show surpise with 4D: How was your day?
- We practised a little bit of The Phonemic Alphabet.

Week 14: January 20th & 22nd, 2014 - I wonder... Rodríguez

Promotional poster of Searching for Sugar Man by Malik Bendjelloul
- We finished 4A and 4B and practised narrative tenses and relatives with the story of Pay It Forward.
- We talked about urban legends.
- We met Sixto Rodríguez, we saw the trailer of Searching for Sugar Man.
- We did an exercise on Rodriguez's song I wonder.

Week 13: January 13th & 15th, 2014 - Starting unit 4
- I gave you personal and general feedback from your writing on Pay it Forward.
- We did 4A: Urban legends.
- We also started 4B: First Books.
- We talked about books and their characteristics.

Week 12: January 8th, 2014 - Welcome back

- We talked about New Year Resolutions.
- We saw a part of Bridget Jones's Diary on New Year resolutions and did the activities proposed in Jeffrey Hill's blog.
- We corrected all unit 3 homework and I received Portfolio 2 for assessment.

Week 11: December 16th & 18th, 2013 - Christmas in the air
- We revised 2nd and 3rd conditionals.
- We practised rhythm in conditional sentences.
- We saw a video on Mandela.
- We  received and started completing our ISE (Improvement Sheet for English)
- We practise this year's Christmas Carol Twelve Days of Christmas.
- We did 3D: How can I help.
- We wrote the story of Pay It Forward.

domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014

Week 10: December 9th &11th, 2013 - Mandela's week

Sunday Times, 8 December 2013
- We finished 3B: It should't be allowed!
- We did 3C: The cost of crime
- As Nelson Mandela had died on 6th December we had a look at some cartoon on Jeffrey Hill's website, did a reading on him and his political history against apartheid and completed a short text on the piece of news.
- We did an exercise with the lyrics of Simple Mind's Mandela Day.
- We talked about general feedback from writings.